Yes, Plutarch can actually be accessible (and fun!) in this online course just for teens.

Plutarch for Teens is taught by Rachel Lebowitz, owner of A Charlotte Mason Plenary and author of The Annotated Plutarch Series.

You have several options for Plutarch classes:

See a sample lesson here: Publicola Course Sample Lesson

Why Plutarch?

Plutarch is one of my favorite subjects! But I understand that Plutarch can be intimidating and hard to understand. That’s why I created The Annotated Plutarch Series and these online courses.

My goal is to make Plutarch accessible, fun, and interesting. I want everyone to love Plutarch!

But why should you include Plutarch in your homeschool?

Charlotte Mason used Plutarch as one of the foundations of her Citizenship and Character curriculum.

The purpose of Plutarch is

Character Discernment

Charlotte knew that, through biographies of famous men, Plutarch asked us to consider a person’s character.

Here’s what Plutarch said about why he wrote the biographies included in his book, Plutarch’s Lives:

“By the study of their biographies, we receive each man as a guest into our minds, and we seem to understand their character as the result of personal acquaintance because we have obtained from their acts the best and most important means of forming an opinion about them. What greater pleasure couldst thou gain than this? What more valuable for the elevation of our own character?”


Character – other people’s and our own – that is what Plutarch urges us to consider.

We will discuss these important ideas and more in my online class series, Plutarch for Teens.

I would be honored to be your student’s guide to Plutarch.

~ Rachel Lebowitz

Live Course Details

No Live Course is currently being offered.

Required Materials:

  • The Annotated Plutarch
  • Plutarch Picture Study

Live Course Schedule: n/a

Pre-recorded Course Details

Choose the course that’s right for you!

Go at your own pace in a pre-recorded course and still be able to interact with the instructor through e-mail if you have any questions!

  • Registration fee per Pre-Recorded Courses: $70
  • Age recommendation: 13+
  • Required materials are not included (see below)
  • Access: You can take a pre-recorded course at any time! You will have full access to the pre-recorded course for 5 months (150 days) from the date of purchase.

See a sample lesson here: Publicola Course Sample Lesson

Pre-Recorded Course Offerings & Required Materials

Julius Caesar Course

Tyrant or liberator? Students will discuss leadership qualities in this course about the life of Julius Caesar.

Students will also compare and contrast Plutarch’s Life of Julius Caesar with Shakespeare’s play, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar.

Required Materials

Online Course Page

Publicola Course

Plutarch’s Life of Publicola carries the torch of liberty from Ancient Rome to the modern-day: a brutal act sparked the overthrow of a monarchy and ushered in a new government dedicated to liberty and freedom.

Students will compare and contrast the events in Publicola with the American Revolution and the French Revolution and will discuss various forms of government.

Required Materials

Online Course Page

Pericles Course

Plutarch’s Life of Pericles carries the idea of democracy from Ancient Greece to the modern day.

The ancient city of Athens flourished under the leadership of one man: Pericles.

Students will learn about the Golden Age of Athens, the Peloponnesian War, and the central ideas of democracy and self-governance.

Required Materials

Online Course Page

Romulus Course

In Plutarch’s Life of Romulus, we return to Rome’s foundation story of Romulus and Remus.

Students will explore Greek and Roman mythology, different forms of government, as well as leadership and character qualities.

Required Materials

Online Course Page

How Online Courses Work

All online classes, whether Live or Recorded, offer interaction with the instructor through email.

  • For Live Courses, you will have access to the course for the scheduled course duration, plus 30 days after the last class. 
  • For semester-long Pre-recorded Courses, you will have access to the course for 5 months (150 days) from the date of purchase.
  • For year-long Pre-recorded Courses, you will have access for 10 months (300 days) from the date of purchase.

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Plutarch for Teens online class - Charlotte Mason Citizenship
Plutarch for Teens Online Class $70.00