A Charlotte Mason Plenary
The word “Plenary” means
The word “Plenary” means
When we come together with our differences, we learn from each other.
We are better because of our diversity.
Let us teach that lesson to our children also.
We are here to help you forge your own path..
Your own “Charlotte Mason Homeschool Your Way” path.
It’s the road less traveled.
It’s a path with winding roads and uphill climbs.. with discoveries at every step.
It’s a path with scenic overlooks and beauty beyond compare.
It’s a path worth taking.
We’re here to help you every step of the way.
because we’re better together
Special Needs Consultant
Science Education Specialist
Occupational Therapist
Object Lessons Specialist
Music Specialist
Foreign Language Specialist
Dyslexia & Reading Comprehension Specialist
because your way is the best way for your family.