Wellness for Homeschool Moms
An Interview with Lacey Grim
from The Schoolhouse Life
We’re talking homeschooling, homesteading, gardening, wellness, and even essential oils!
Yep, education is “an atmosphere, a discipline, and a life.” In fact, you could say that “Life as a Schoolhouse” is a great way to sum up a Charlotte Mason education.
And today I’m chatting with Lacey Grim at The Schoolhouse Life.
"Education is a Life"
Recently, I was a Guest Speaker on The Schoolhouse Life. Lacey and I talked about how a Charlotte Mason education can be customized and simplified. (You can watch that video here).
So today, Lacey and I are chatting about her homestead and some of the things in a Charlotte Mason education (and in life in general) that make life more meaningful, more joyful.
Joy Subjects
They’re the things that I call the “Joy Subjects.” And they help reduce stress and increase bonding. Less stress, more joy? Yes please!
Watch the video now!
And Lacey even offers to send you something for FREE to help with reducing stress.
Go to www.theschoolhouselife.com/momstress to get your free mini course and your free sample of essential oil!
Thanks, Lacey!
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