CHARLOTTE MASON’S PRINCIPLES #14 and #15 PRINCIPLE #14 As knowledge is not assimilated until it is reproduced, children should ‘tell back’ after a single reading…
5 Tips to Establish the Habit of Attention for a Single, Careful Reading so that Your Child can have Better Narrations Have you ever read…
CHARLOTTE MASON’S PRINCIPLES #11, #12 and #13 PRINCIPLE #11 But we, believing that the normal child has powers of mind which fit him to deal…
SPECIAL NEEDS HOMESCHOOLING AND THE CHARLOTTE MASON METHOD Are you homeschooling a child with special needs? I’d like to introduce you to Amy Bodkin, Ed.S.,…
A CHARLOTTE MASON CURRICULM FAIR The other night my local Charlotte Mason group got together for an annual event we like to call “A Charlotte…
AMERICA FIRST: UPDATED EDITIONRESTORING DIGNITY AMERICA FIRST by Lawton Evans has always been one of my favorite books for elementary American History. The author has…
CHARLOTTE MASON’S PRINCIPLES #9 and #10 A Child’s Mind is a Spiritual Organismwith an Appetite for All Knowledge Charlotte discusses Principles #9 and #10 in…
CHARLOTTE MASON’S PRINCIPLE #8Education is a Life Continuing with the last part of Principle #5, Charlotte tells us the THREE EDUCATIONAL INSTRUMENTS that we may use:…
WHAT TO LOOK FOR IN A CHARLOTTE MASON CURRICULUM I frequently get asked about various CM curricula and the other day I ran across a quote…
CHARLOTTE MASON’S PRINCIPLE #7Education is a Discipline If you will remember, Principle #5 is a bit of a holding card, so to speak, for the…