The Capitoline She-Wolf
Unknown Artist
5th Century BCE

Public domain image, Wikipedia Commons.
Take a virtual tour of the Salla della Lupa (Hall of the She-Wolf) of the Capitoline Museum Gallery via Google Arts here.
There are replicas of this statue all around the world. Apparently, Italian dictator Benito Mussolini liked to send replicas of the statue to various countries, cities, and private groups in the 1920s and 30s. There are a handful of these replica statues in the United States, including one in Rome, Georgia, one in Rome, New York, and one in Cincinnati, Ohio (see photos below).

You can read more about the Capitoline She-Wolf in these articles:
- Khan Academy article “Capitoline She-Wolf”
- Atlas Obscura “Neither Rome, GA, Nor Rome, NY, Could Handle a Statue with Wolf Teats.”
- Article about the replica statue in Rome, Georgia.
You can also watch a video of the Sala della Lupa below.
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